Fall Happenings at Legacy!
Legacy dancers have been working hard in classes on technique preparing to learn Showcase choreography this winter. Please continue to encourage your dancer to stretch and practice at home.
Tips for a successful dance class at Legacy:
- Arrive 5-10 minutes before class begins.
- Wear proper dance attire, shoes and hair in a secure bun for ballet class.
- Bring a small water bottle to keep hydrated.
- Go to the bathroom before class begins.
- Always have a positive attitude and willingness to work hard.
October 24th – 30th Halloween Dress Up Week
Please wear Halloween costumes over your dance clothes, please avoid excessive glitter or makeup that could get on the floor. Thank you!
*Closed October 31st for Halloween
Costume Deposits
Each class orders a costume, except for Leaps and Turns Technique classes.
Costume Deposits Due: October 25th or Your Child Will Not Have a Costume Ordered. $75 Per Costume.
We cannot under any circumstances, refund money for costumes once they are ordered.
If FULL payment is not received by OCTOBER 25TH, your child will not have a costume ordered and we cannot guarantee one will be available. Please store each costume and its accessories together in a safe place.
Legacy Stars Performances and Competitions
- November 6th – Volusia County Dances at Mainland High School 6:30pm
- December 11th and 12th – New Smyrna Beach High School Showdolls Christmas Show 7pm
- December 7th and 8th – Civic Ballet Nutcracker at Peabody – 3 Shows!!
- Feb 2nd – Open Source Community Performance at News Journal Center 6pm
- May 14th –New Smyrna Beach High School Showdolls Show 7pm
Daytona Beach Competition Schedule
- Dance Makers – Nov 15- 19, 2019 – Daytona, Hilton
- Shake the Ground – January 25th and 26th, News Journal Center
- Mark of Excellence – February 28th – March 1st Peabody
- Showbiz – March 27 – 29th News Journal
- ASH Daytona – April 24-26th
Legacy Stars Sponsorships
Legacy’s dedication to the development and education in the art of dance strives to provide students with the best experiences in our studio, the community as well as give them opportunities to perform on various stages and in events across the State of Florida.
Many of these amazing opportunities come in the form of various dance competitions, master classes and workshops where students have the chance to not only learn and win titles but are also able to compete for opportunities to attend world class continuing dance education events and competitions across the US.
These important opportunities often come with high travel and fee costs involved for the parents and it is only with the support of sponsors that our children can participate in such events.
We know and appreciate how important it is for your company to be involved in the community, especially when it comes to children.
There are diverse ways you can take part in helping our students reach their goals by becoming a Legacy Stars sponsor and are specified for you in the Legacy Stars Sponsorship Opportunities below.
* Sponsorship Appreciation Certificate
* Business Name and Sponsorship Level Listed on The Legacy Dance Studio’s Website.
* Custom Designed AD with Business Name/Contact Information and Sponsorship Level listed on our Legacy TV and 2020 Showcase Slideshow viewed by over 1500 Legacy Showcase patrons and 215 families per week.
* Sponsorship Appreciation Certificate
* Business Name and Sponsorship Level Listed on The Legacy Dance Studio’s Website with Link to Sponsor Website.
* Custom Designed AD with Business Name/Contact Information and Sponsorship Level listed on our Legacy TV and 2020 Showcase Slideshow viewed by over 1500 Legacy Showcase patrons and 215 families per week.
* Sponsor business card space at The Legacy Dance Studio front desk seen by 215 families per week.
* Business Name listed on our 2020 “A Midsummers Night Dance” showcase T-Shirts (worn by Team Members and families during several events, as well as sold to all Legacy Friends and Families)
* Sponsorship Appreciation Plaque with Team Photo
* Business Name and Sponsorship Level Listed on The Legacy Dance Studio’s Website with Link to Sponsor Website and Social Media.
* Custom Designed AD with Business Name/Contact Information and Sponsorship Level listed on our Legacy TV and 2020 Showcase Slideshow viewed by over 1500 Legacy Showcase patrons and 215 families per week. Additionally, a 20 Second video can be added to both Legacy TV and Showcase Slideshow.
* Business Card and 5.5×8.5 plexi sign space at The Legacy Dance Studio front desk seen by 215 Legacy families per week.
* Business Name listed on our 2020 “A Midsummers Night Dance” showcase T-Shirts (worn by Team Members and families during several events, as well as sold to all Legacy Friends and Families)
* Business Social Media Shouts and Mentions before, during and after major events thanking sponsors.
* 1 Legacy Stars Team T-shirt
* 2 Complimentary Tickets to our 2020 Showcase, “A Midsummers Night Dance” at The News Journal Center and Sponsor Thanks at end of show.
* Sponsorship Appreciation Plaque with Team Photo (Option of Plaque Being Displayed in The Legacy Dance Studio Store Front Trophy and Awards Display)
* Business Name and Sponsorship Level Listed on The Legacy Dance Studio’s Website with Link to Sponsor Website and Social Media with Logo.
* Custom Designed AD with Business Name/Contact Information and Sponsorship Level listed on our Legacy TV and 2020 Showcase Slideshow viewed by over 1500 Legacy Showcase patrons and 215 families per week. Additionally, a 30 Second video can be added to both Legacy TV and Showcase Slideshow.
* Business Card and 8.5×11 plexi sign holder space at The Legacy Dance Studio front desk seen by 215 Legacy families per week.
* Business Name listed on our 2020 “A Midsummers Night Dance” showcase T-Shirts, with Logo. (worn by Team Members and families during several events, as well as sold to all Legacy Friends and Families)
* Business Social Media Shouts and Mentions before, during before and after major events thanking sponsors
* 1 Legacy Stars Team T-shirt
* 2 Complimentary Tickets to our 2020 Showcase, “A Midsummers Night Dance” ” at The News Journal Center and Sponsor Thanks at end of show.
* Sponsor Marketing Table Space, In High Traffic Area at our 2020 Showcase, “A Midsummers Night Dance” at the News Journal Center (2 shows) over 1500 Patrons.
** Sponsorship at any level is greatly appreciated! **