January 16, 2024

How to Choose Age Appropriate Music for Dance Classes in Daytona

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Choosing music for Port Orange dance studios and dance classes in Daytona can be a challenge. The process of finding age-appropriate music for each class you teach is sometimes long, frustrating, and time-consuming. But as a dance educator, it’s important to keep your student’s well-being in mind when considering what they will hear every week in class.

To choose appropriate music for dance class, you should begin by forgetting about following the popular trends – to an extent. Then, seek out new (or old!) music from other sources besides the radio and social media. Finally, if you are questioning the appropriateness of your music choices, it’s time to go deeper and look into the context and lyrics.

Here are more details about choosing the most age-appropriate music for Port Orange and Daytona dance classes!

Don’t Follow the Trends

I will admit – choosing music that young dancers will enjoy but that is age appropriate is no small feat. While more and more children aren’t listening to the radio anymore, they are still exposed to potentially inappropriate lyrics, themes, and concepts in music from social media and pop culture.

However, just because “they’re already hearing” inappropriate music elsewhere doesn’t mean that dance studios in Port Orange need to contribute to that phenomenon. Instead of following the trends that are popular on TikTok and Instagram reels, Port Orange dance teachers can influence their students in positive ways by choosing different music to play in their classes.

Seek Out Instrumental Versions of Popular Songs

While the advice to seek out instrumental versions of popular songs can often yield music that lends itself to lyrical and contemporary dance, it is possible to find upbeat instrumental versions of current music.

One easy way to find music tracks of popular songs without the lyrics is to purchase the karaoke track. Search “title of song” + “karaoke” to find some great options. That way, you can safely play popular music for dance classes in Daytona without playing inappropriate lyrics.

If you’d rather use an instrumental version of a song, there are many artists that cover current music. Artists like The Piano Guys and Vitamin String Quartet are known for their covers of pop songs on piano and strings, respectively. Searching “instrumental covers” in your streaming service of choice will usually pull up some great, clean options.

Seek Out Music From Other Countries and Cultures

Popular music in the United States right now tends towards the homogenous. American ears are accustomed to hearing certain rhythms, beats, and melodic lines, and while that can feel comforting, it can also get pretty boring after a while!

Music from other countries and other cultures naturally sounds different, which in turn will inspire different ways of moving and reacting. Young dancers will benefit from hearing a wide range of music styles in Port Orange dance classes. Of course, you will want to make sure that the lyrics and content of songs in another language are still age-appropriate, so use your Googling skills wisely!

Seek Out Music From The Past

The dance studio world often tries to stay on the pulse of what is current and popular, but there is also value in looking back in time and making the old new again. By using music from the past in Port Orange dance classes, you are offering your students an even more well-rounded education that includes a variety of music.

If you are a part of a dance studio that still has old CDs, cassettes, or even records laying around collecting dust, take some time to go through them. You might find some gems that you forgot about, or discover artists you’ve never heard of.

If you’re unable to find a device to play any of these precious relics, take inventory of the album names and artists, and plug them into your streaming service of choice. Or better yet, purchase the album on iTunes or another similar service so it’s always at your disposal.

Best Practices When Determining Whether a Song Is Appropriate

There will come a time when you as a Port Orange dance teacher will question the appropriateness of a song for a dance class or routine. My loving advice is this – if you’re questioning whether it’s appropriate, it’s probably not.

In this instance, as a dance educator, I would go with my gut when deciding whether to use a song I’m questioning. If there is any inkling that a lyric or the subject matter might be offensive to someone, I would choose not to use the song.

My rule of thumb is that if I can’t comfortably, without embarrassment or shame, speak the words out loud to children or my grandfather, I won’t use the song. Does that limit my song choices? Sometimes. But there is a whole world of music out there, and as a dance educator, it’s my job to find the best, most appropriate options for my students.

By following this advice when choosing appropriate music for Port Orange dance classes, hopefully, you will uncover some new favorites, old classics, and a wider variety of music for your dance students to enjoy!

Read this next! Creating Entertaining and Age Appropriate Choreography






Dance Class, Dance Classes, dance classes daytona, Dance Life, Dance Studio, daytona dance class, port orange dance studio

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