Fix your dance competition mistakes and stand out!

Dance competition tips

Do you want to know how to stand out at dance competition? Even seasoned competition dancers can forget a shoe every now and then, but that’s only one small mistake that can happen before or during a dance competition! Here are the top 10 dance competition mistakes that can occur, and how to fix them!

  1. Not rehearsing away from the mirror before competition!

One of the best things dancers in Port Orange can do before competition is rehearse facing away from the mirror. It’s surprising how beneficial it can be to do a few runs of your dance facing multiple directions.

Dancers often ask in the studio, “Which way will the stage face?” before competition, and the answer is, “Wherever it faces!” It’s a difficult concept for kids to grasp, but if you can rehearse the dance facing every possible direction, they will begin to understand that the routine won’t change regardless of which direction the stage faces.


  1. Entering your routine in the wrong category!

This is a mistake that is mostly made by the dance instructor, but still relevant because category placement can affect how a dance scores! The majority of the time, this mistake happens when the lines are blurred between categories like lyrical or contemporary. Take the time to really analyze the dance routine for specific technical elements that live in one of those categories. It might even help to make a checklist of skills for each category so you can really see where a routine belongs.

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Sore muscles after dance class

Dance Class

If you’re a dancer, chances are you’ve had your fair share of sore muscles after a particularly difficult dance class. Sore muscles don’t mean you’ve overdone it, though, they just mean you’ve worked hard! However, soreness can interfere with your day-to-day life and there are some tried and true methods to get through it!

To treat and care for sore muscles, remember to warm up before you dance, cool down after class, and practice self-care.  Use techniques like massage, foam rolling, taking Epsom salt baths, and resting!

Sore muscles may sometimes be the result of an injury or overuse. If soreness persists for longer than a couple of days, you may want to consult a medical professional. The advice you read here is no substitute for actual medical care.

The advice you read here is no substitute for actual medical care.

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How to Rest After Dance Classes

dance classes port orange

If you’re a dancer, chances are you’ve had your fair share of sore muscles after particularly difficult dance classes or rehearsals. Sore muscles don’t mean you’ve overdone it, though, they just mean you’ve worked hard! However, soreness can interfere with your day-to-day life and there are some tried and true methods to get through it and learn how to rest AFTER dance classes!

To treat and care for sore muscles, you must remember to warm up before you dance, cool down after class, and practice good self-care by using techniques like massage, foam rolling, taking Epsom salt baths, and resting!

Sore muscles may sometimes be the result of an injury or overuse, so if soreness persists for longer than a couple of days, you may want to consult a medical professional. The advice you read here is no substitute for actual medical care.

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Strength Training at Your Dance Studio

dance studio

With the increase in high-level tricks seen in dancers today at Port Orange dance studios, you have to wonder how in the world these skills are achieved! What is the secret sauce that some dancers have to get their legs higher, their turns faster, and their jumps more elevated?

In addition to excellent technique, strength training has gained popularity in the dance community as a way to achieve new levels of excellence. Properly executed strength training skills can prevent injury, increase stamina, and contribute to the overall longevity of a dancer’s career.

It should go without saying that any additional training outside of the dance studio should be done with permission from your teacher, and with the supervision of a fitness professional.

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Benefits of Ballet Classes

If you’re considering enrolling your child in ballet classes in Port Orange, you may be wondering what style of dance to choose! From hip hop to ballet to tap, there are indeed many choices. All styles of dance have their own unique benefits, but ballet is often one of the top styles of dance chosen for children.

Physical, social, and cognitive skills all improve when a child takes ballet class. Strong beginnings in the arts pave the way for a lifetime of appreciation even if the student doesn’t go on to study dance on a professional level.

Ballet classes can be beneficial at all ages, but starting ballet early gives children who love to move the chance to learn in a structured environment and develop skills that they will use throughout their lives.

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How To Have A Positive Mindset In Port Orange Dance Classes

A positive mindset has been proven to improve performance in all kinds of fields, from business to sports. Port Orange dance studio provide a great place to incorporate a positive mindset through dance, not only for fun but for loftier goals like entering the professional dance world.

In order to have a positive mindset in dance classes, you should try to eliminate negative self-talk, focus on the small wins, set reasonable goals for yourself, and have regular check-ins with yourself, your parents, and your teachers to make sure you are getting the most out of your training.

At Legacy Dance Studio in Port Orange, dance teachers strive to instill positivity alongside excellent dance training. But dance teachers can only do so much! By incorporating these tips, you can do your part to develop a healthy, positive mindset for dance class and your life outside the studio!

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Port Orange Dance Studio Promotes Good Attendance in Dance Class

Legacy port orange dance

The effects of poor attendance at school have been well documented over the years. Students from pre-k through high school are at risk of developing low self-esteem, missing important social milestones, and falling behind their peers simply because of poor attendance. In our Port Orange dance studio, attending up to dance class consistently and on time contributes to the positive culture that dance studios wish to achieve.

When considering dance classes for your child in Port Orange, even at the recreational level, you’re making a commitment to attend regularly. Good attendance in dance class promotes discipline, respect, and retention of information. 

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How to Create a Positive Dance Studio Environment

Port Orange Dance Studio

At The Legacy Dance Studio in Port Orange, owner and director Shannon Thomas strives to promote a culture of positivity, inclusivity, and integrity through dance education. Dancers and families at The Legacy Dance Studio can expect to be welcomed with open arms from the very first dance class to the final bow.

Our positive dance studio culture embraces four core values that our staff follows in each interaction with students and dance families – Positivity, Leadership, Integrity, and Education. 

But we can’t do it alone! Dance parents, guardians, and students all have a role to play in creating a positive dance studio culture so that everyone involved has a great experience.

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Port Orange Dance Studio Stresses the Importance of Staying Hydrated in Dance Class

dance classes in Port Orange

Florida is known for its beautiful weather year-round. But, that also means that dancers are often taking dance classes at dance studios in temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit! At a Port Orange dance studio like The Legacy Dance Studio, dancers are encouraged to stay hydrated during dance classes.

In order to stay hydrated during dance class, you need to be sure to hydrate both before and after dance class, as well as eat foods with high water content.

Staying hydrated during dance classes is part of being a healthy, safe, and smart dancer. The Legacy Dance Studio in Port Orange takes dancer health seriously, and always strives to keep dancers safe.

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Three Ways to Improve Your Dance Technique TODAY!

Pointe and ballet classes Port Orange

Dancers of all kinds are always looking for more ways to improve their dance technique, from ballet dancers hoping to get just one more pirouette, to tap dancers who work tirelessly to execute the perfect wings. In this article, we will focus on dance technique as it relates to ballet and jazz dance, but these suggestions will undoubtedly help all kinds of dancers!

In order to improve your dance technique, you should focus on your core strength, continue to stretch daily, and importantly for many dancers, stay in ballet class!

While ballet isn’t the end-all be-all of dance techniques, it certainly does help to know and practice the basics to improve in styles like contemporary and jazz.

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